donderdag 12 januari 2012

So let's go out !

An issue I had with previous diets is what do you eat when you're out in a restaurant ?

I'm a diehard foodie and I love good food. So it's really frustrating to look at that menu full of rich & colourfull flavours and have to decide to just go for the, eeuhm, you got anything light on that menu ?
And It's not like you can ask a chef to prepare your shake and it would be a shame to only eat half of a plate so in the end you're back home sitting in front of the tv nibbling your extra light full fiber powerbar.

So now with a little adaption you have a much broader choice. Skip the breadbums before dinner, ask to change french fries or potatoes / pasta into extra vegetables. I cant imagine a restaurant where they would refuse this and even then, with all respect to the chef, I wouldnt make a point out of it and just leave it on the plate.

Then asking for information is the second rule. A lot of restaurants/bistros are using premade sauces, these premade sauces may taste great but they're also full of additives, including lots of carbs. (Usually you can tell if it's from a can by the consistency and texture of the sauce).

Just ask the waiter for some information on what you're about to eat, wether everything is homemade or if they use premade components. And in return tell the waiter a little bit about your diet and restrictions.

Now this counts for the higher profile restaurants. (I do love some stars on occasion :))

Now when you go to bistros or smaller restaurants, usually they don't have as much time or willingness to listen to your story. So keep it brief and pollite and order something as close to what you can eat and ask to just remove some parts and if it's possible ask them to change it into vegetables.

So over the past days here's what I've been eating on restaurant
(I'll add more on the list when I visit more restaurants)

- Sashimi deluxe (about 24 pieces of delightfull raw fish)

Fusion kitchen:
- Assortiment of charcuterie ranging from quality salamis & ham
- Deerstew with a mousseline of carrots/pumpkin and grilled aubergines
- Cheese plate as dessert

- salad with smoked salmon, grey shrimps, dried ham, boiled eggs, grilled pine nuts, duck filet and a vinegraitte sauce.

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