zondag 15 januari 2012

Chicken creamy provençale & best mashed eggs ever

Sunday lazy times so I went out to something I could reuse for midday & evening dinner.

Shopping list:  roasted chicken, red paprika, sliced tomato cubes in can, garlic, onions, mushrooms, cream, eggs, mackerel (canned in olive oil)

So for the midday lunch : Roasted chicken (allready prepared, only heat it up in the microwave) + creamy sauce provençale. So basically you only have to prepare the sauce.

So clean & slice the mushrooms, bake them in butter together with the sliced onions, sliced paprikas and mashed garlic. When the mushrooms are squeeshy & nicely brown, add the tomato cubes, when slightly boiling, add the cream. Now spice it up with som rock salt, lots of black pepper, oregano and a touch of basilicum. Done. (make enough of this, the leftovers will be used tonight)

That's it for midday !  Bon Appetit !

Now for the evening dinner:  break some eggs in a pan, slowly stir them. While stirring, add the mackerel. A bit later add the leftover from this afternoon.

That's it for evening dinner ! Bon Appetit !

1 opmerking:

  1. Got your blog from Davy VL, and I decided to subscribe because I'm really curious what this diet will do to your weight AND cholesterol :-)

    I also have a question: With what do you replace your "boterhammekes" ? It's so convenient to eat bread at noon, at work.
