woensdag 18 januari 2012

Surf & Turf Diabolique

Shoppinglist :  big shrimps, irish beef, garlic, tomatoes, onions, chilli powder, pili-pili, coriandre, cream, chicken stock.

Start with cutting the tomatoes into cubes, crush the garlic, cut the onions and put everything in a pot, low fire. After some time, add some chicken stock & the cream and season it to your liking with salt, pepper, chilli and pili-pili. Leave it boiling for some time.

In meantime season the big shrimps with rocksalt & pepper and fry them with a frying pan (don't use anything like butter or olive oil, just burn them shrimps!) Usually when they are almost not sticking anymore you can turn them easily without having to scratch them of the pan. Don't try to rotate them constantly, just 1 turn burning both sides is enough.

Add them to the sauce + some coriandre leaves.

Now take some butter (the real stuff, not the synthetic margarine or light stuff), put some into the frying pan, when the butter slightly gets browner, put the steak on the frying pan. Same goes as with the shrimps, don't turn around the steak constantly, If you want those typical burnt squares on your meat, 4 times turning around does the trick (and rotating 90° while you turn).

Now it's time to eat, for presentation, put the steak on a plate, place scampi's + sauce and put some fresh coriandre leaves on top of it. 

Bon Appetit !

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